Valentino Sangiorgio


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Valentino Sangiorgio obtained his PhD (Cum Laude) in Risk and Environmental, Territorial and Building Development in 2019 from the Polytechnic of Bari, Italy, where he continued to work until 2020 thanks to a research grant obtained from a European project funding. Dr Sangiorgio's research is centred on the "Digital Transition" of the building construction sector. This research requires a high level of interdisciplinary collaboration to reconcile traditional building engineering concepts with innovative technologies and performance analysis methods.

In 2020, he won the APOST 2020 research project with the highest score, funded by the Valencian Region through the European Commission, which allowed him to finance his 2-year postdoctoral fellowship at the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain) and Universidade do Porto (Portugal). During this period, the research focuses on the topic of "building resilience" including the study of climate change and natural disasters' impact on a structure's resilience (Multi-Risk Analysis) and the use of novel construction technologies such as Augmented Reality, 3D Printing, User Reporting, and Optical Fiber Sensors.

Since 2022, Dr. Sangiorgio has held the position of Assistant Professor of Architectural Engineering Design at the "G. d'Annunzio" University of Chieti - Pescara (Italy), where he currently teaches various university courses in Integrated Design, Digital Manufacturing, and Multi-Risk Analysis for Bachelor's, Master's, and PhD students.

During his years of research, he focused on the application of emerging technologies, such as Augmented Reality and Digital Manufacturing, to enhance the energy sustainability, resilience, and climate adaptability of buildings. He conducted this research with the support of 5 projects funded through open competitions by the European Commission and 2 national projects (in Italy and Spain) (Total funding: €23.438.350,00).

Dr. Sangiorgio's academic profile is characterized by a high level of international activity, including 5 visiting research periods. Recently, he has also been appointed as a visiting professor at University College London (London, UK) and the Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú (Lima, Peru) to teach Master's and PhD courses. His research interests include collaboration with some of the world's leading experts in their fields (Santamouris Mat, Humberto Varum, Francesco Fiorito, Luis Vargas, and Jose M. Adam).

He has published approximately 54 research papers to date in collaboration with international universities such as the Universitat Politècnica de València (Spain) and the Universidade do Porto (Portugal), Universidade de Brasília (Brazil), and the University of New South Wales (Australia), University of Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania). Thanks to his innovative and multidisciplinary scientific production, he has achieved excellent quality indicators of scientific production, including: 42 Scopus-indexed publications; 21 publications in the first quartile (Q1) according to Scimago Journal & Country Rank; A total of 513/687 citations (Scopus/Google Scholar); An h-index of 15/16 (Scopus/Google Scholar).

Dr. Sangiorgio has enhanced his international research network by acting as chair and member of the Scientific Committee for 5 conferences. He is currently the program chair for the international VIPERC 2023 conference. Furthermore, he has delivered 17 oral presentations at national and international conferences. Moreover, he serves as a Topic Editor and Guest Editor for various international journals, including Building Design, Sustainability, and Frontiers in Built Environment. He also works as a reviewer for over 18 international journals.

For scientific and technological dissemination, he has actively contributed to the scientific community as President of the non-profit association "FabLab Bitonto". Furthermore, Dr. Sangiorgio is presently involved in the management of the University Laboratory (FabLab Poliba) at Polytechnic of Bari. In terms of technology transfer activity, Dr. Sangiorgio won the regional call "PIN Pugliesi Innovativi" (European funds) with his project "Climb3D." The project aimed to create new building components utilizing digital manufacturing technologies like 3D printing and CNC drilling machines.

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